Coach Ron

Coach Ron is a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Arizona State University - earning a Bachelor's of Science in Exercise Physiology and Master of Education. Coach Ron has over 20 years of coaching experience; mentoring and preparing both youth and adult competitive swimmers. As of 2015 his knowledge and capabilities in aquatics consulting has been utilized by the United States Air Force Special Operations Command - helping Airmen prepare for the physical and mental challenges they will encounter when volunteering to attend and attempt the selection courses required to become Combat Controllers, Pararescuemen, or Combat Weathermen.

Why Train?

What to Expect

Each session is individually designed by Coach Ron to meet the athlete’s personal training goals. Athletes are expected to exert maximum effort in order to achieve great results.


Athletes will train in an indoor or outdoor pool. The coach will provide instruction from the pool deck or in the water. Specific training techniques will be designed and shared during the session. Swim stroke technique will be  monitored, video footage will be provided for feedback


Trainees will learn strategies to swim 500 meters continuously in less than 10 minutes. Swimmers will learn proper stroke technique (Freestyle, Breaststroke, Combat Side Stroke), treading water, streamline position, quick and efficient turns, in order to accomplish this goal.

Pool Facilities




Meeting Goals Together

Students and teachers alike must succeed in projecting and absorbing information.


Physical & Mental Support

Athletes not only need a mentor to guide development of the body, but also of the mind.


Full Coaching Attention

Personal swim coaching means that water safety and program progression is ensured without distractions.


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